1105 Current World Problems
An introduction to the political issues that transcend national boundaries such as
the environment, population, immigration, nuclear proliferation, terrorism, religion,
natural resources, etc.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: READ 0099, ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores to place into
co-requisite remediation or higher.
Offered: On demand.
2201 American State & Local Government
Organization, structure, and operation of American state and local governments,
with Georgia used as a basis for study.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: POLS 1101 with a grade of “C” or better.
Offered: On demand.
2301 Introduction to Comparative Politics
A comparative survey of the politics and structure of government in major nation-
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: POLS 1101 with a grade of “C” or better.
Offered: On demand.
2401 Introduction to Global Issues
An overview of the structure and processes of the international political-economic
system, including topics such as economic and social interdependence,
international trade, war and power, oil politics, green politics and the problems
associated with developing countries.
Corequisite: None.
Prerequisite: POLS 1101 with a grade of “C” or better.
Offered: On demand.
3600 Introduction to Public Administration – eMajor only
A focus on the study of public administration processes and underlying theories
within American government structures. Emphasis is on the pragmatic aspects of
current government leadership and public agency management.
4600 Government Organization/Administration Theory – eMajor only
A systematic analysis of theories in organization, management and administration.
Special consideration will be given to institutional, behavioral and psychological
4610 Public Personnel Administration
eMajor only
An examination of procedures and problems of governmental personnel
administration. Studies of governmental agencies are encouraged to give students
first-hand knowledge of governmental personnel administration.
POLS 4620 Public Finance Administration – eMajor only
A study of the activities involved in the collection, custody and expenditure of public
revenue, such as the assessment and collection of taxes, public borrowing and
debt administration, the preparation and enactment of the budget, financial
accountability and the audit.