3601 Political Science Methods II– eMajor only
Helps students understand the process and components of research methods in social
sciences, especially in political science. It covers topics such as empirical research,
research questions, hypotheses, research design, data collection, data analysis, and ethical
issues in conducting research. It focuses on practical examples and skills by which
students can develop, design, and conduct empirical research.
4200 Principles of Public Administration – eMajor only
Provides the student with an overview of the principles of public administration.
Throughout the course, the student will learn a number of key principles and how they
are applied. By the end of the course, the student will have learned the basics of public
administration and will be able to effectively apply these principles.
4202 Interorganizational Behavior – eMajor only
Provides an understanding of the dynamics of and the interrelationships among and
between the federal, state, and local levels of government.
4204 Public Finance – eMajor only
An in-depth student of the equity and economic effects of government spending
programs, taxes, and debt.
4210 – Modern Public Management - eMajor only
Various changes in the management of public organizations are identified and analyzed.
Includes the role of technology, modification of the relationship between public and
private spheres, and current trends in the management of change and supervision of a
diverse work force.
4215 - Management of Non-Profit Organizations - eMajor only
Designed to explore the theoretical principles and practical application of management
for charities and/or nonprofit organizations. Students will be provided an opportunity to
examine critical issues of management faced by leaders in nonprofit organizations.
4217 Grant Writing for Non-Profit Organizations - eMajor only
Introduces students to the world of grant writing and management, and provides an
opportunity to experience writing actual grants. Students will learn the process of
identifying prospective funders, developing relationships with funders, understand the
basics of writing grants, submitting proposals, working as a collaborative, and preparing
for the follow up. Students will apply course learning to write and prepare actual grant
4218 Project Management in the Public Sector - eMajor only
Discusses the theory, principles, tools, and techniques necessary to build a solid project
management foundation. The Project Management Institute’s (PMI) standards for project
management will be emphasized throughout the course.
4219 Human Resource Management
eMajor only
Examines the processes, policies, procedures, and laws concerning public personnel. It
will also cover the issues of employee protection, motivation, efficiency, and
4220 Administrative Law and Government – eMajor only
A systematic analysis of theories in organization, management and administration.
Special consideration will be given to institutional, behavioral and psychological factors.