1132 Dental Hygiene Clinic II
A continuation of DHYG 1131 with the addition of sharpening, plaque control
instruction, and power scaling instrument. When safe techniques have been mastered,
students deliver dental hygiene care to adult and child patients. An introduction to
nutritional counseling.
Prerequisites: DHYG 1101, 1121, 1131 with grades of C or better.
Offered: Spring.
1133 Dental Hygiene Clinic III
A continuation of DHYG 1132 with the addition of radiographs and dietary counseling.
Instruction will also be provided in the manipulation of dental materials and advanced
periodontal instrumentation. Students will visit a limited number of dental specialty
Prerequisites: DHYG 1110, 1114, 1122, 1132, 2100 with grades of C or better.
Offered: Summer.
2100 Periodontics
Principles of periodontology, etiology, and classification of periodontal disease with
emphasis on prevention, scope of reponsibility of the dental hygienist and treatment
Corequisites: DHYG 1110, 1114, 1122, 1132 with grades of C or better.
Prerequisite: BIOL 2115K.
Offered: Spring.
2150 Pharmacology
Drugs, their properties, dosage, method of administration and therapeutic use with
attention given to those drugs most commonly used in dentistry.
Prerequisites: DHYG 1133, 2550 with grades of C or better and BIOL 2115K.
Offered: Fall.
2210 Dental Hygiene Lecture IV
A seminar course with emphasis on special needs patients and advanced periodontal
patients. Prerequisites: DHYG 1133, 2550 with grades of C or better.
Offered: Fall.
2220 Dental Hygiene Lecture V
A seminar course with emphasis on jurisprudence and office management for the dental
Prerequisites: DHYG 2150, 2210, 2250, 2310 with grades of C or better.
Offered: Spring.
2250 General and Oral Pathology
Basic principles, causes and underlying mechanisms of disease phenomena with special
emphasis on the oral cavity.
Prerequisites: DHYG 1133, 2550 with grades of C or better and BIOL 1100K or BIOL
Offered: Fall.
2310 Dental Hygiene Clinic IV
A continuation of DHYG 1133 with the addition of study models, sealants, advanced
periodontal patients and oral irrigation.
Prerequisites: DHYG 1133, 2550 with grades of C or better.
Offered: Fall.