1105 Clinical Observations
This course is an initial introduction to the clinical environment. It allows the student to
familiarize themselves with the operational process and exam protocols of their clinic
Prerequisites: Completion of all previous semester’s DMSP courses with a grade of C or
Corequisites: DMSP 1102, DMSP 1106.
Offered: Spring, first year.
1106 Obstetrics and Gynecological Ultrasound I
This course is designed to provide the student with an introduction to the accurate
assessment and performance of obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound. Normal anatomy of
the female pelvis and normal fetal development from conception through the third
trimester will be discussed. Pathologic conditions of the female pelvis will be discussed
along with hormonal changes that effect the reproductive cycle and laboratory values
associated with normal and abnormal findings. Sonographic appearances and standard
protocols of the female pelvis and normal fetus will be examined along with first
trimester complications.
Prerequisites: Completion of DMSP 1100 and 1101 courses with a grade of 75 (C) or
Corequisites: DMSP 1102, DMSP 1105.
Offered: Spring, first year.
2111 Abdomen Ultrasound II
This course is designed to introduce the ultrasound student to the abnormal sonographic
and Dopller patterns of diesase processes, pathology and pathophysiology of abdominal
organs. Normal and abnormal lab values will also be discuessed.
Prerequisites: DMSP 1101.
Offered: Summer.
2112 Obstetrics and Gynecological Ultrasound II
This course presents fetal abnormalities from the first trimester through the third
trimester. The role of sonographers in performing interventional/invasive procedures.
Multiple gestations, amniotic fluid index, congenital/genetic anomalies, viability, fetal
monitoring, maternal factors, fetal therapy and the post partum mother will also be
Prerequisite: DMSP 1106.
Corequisites: DMSP 2113.
Offered: Summer.
2113 Clinical Observation and Practicum I
This is an expansion of the clinical observations course DMSP 1105. Students will begin
their hands-on experience by entering patient data, recording patient history, selecting the
appropriate transducer for the exam, positioning the patient for the exam and practicing
the art of scanning.
Prerequisite: DMSP 1105.
Corequisites: DMSP 2111, DMSP 2113.
Offered: Summer.