2320 Dental Hygiene Clinic V
A continuation of DHYG 2310.
Prerequisites: DHYG 2150, 2210, 2250, 2310 with grades of C or better.
Offered: Spring.
2400 Community Dental Health
Principles of public health dentistry, educational concepts and strategies in dental health
education. Emphasis on assessment of dental needs, developing and evaluating
programs, and epidemiology and research.
Prerequisites: DHYG 2150, 2210, 2250, 2310 and COMM 1000 with grades of C or
Offered: Spring.
2550 Dental Specialties & Materials
Introduction to the specialty areas of dental practice. A study of dental materials used in a
general practice office.
Prerequisites: DHYG 1110, 1114, 1122, 1132, 2100 with grades of C or better.
Offered: Summer.
1100 Physics of Ultrasound
This course defines the basic principles of ultrasound physics and introduces the
student to their practical use in diagnostic ultrasound. Topics of discussion will
include definition of sound, propagation of sound in tissue, transducers, Doppler
signal processing, Doppler instrumentation, ultrasound imaging and ultrasound
Prerequisites: Admission into the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program.
Corequisites: DMSP 1101.
Offered: Fall.
1101 Introduction to Diagnostic Medical Sonography
This course is designed to introduce the student to the basic principles of ultrasound. The
professionalism, functions and desirable attributes of a sonographer will be discussed
along with patient care principles and techniques. It presents the language of
sonographers and cross sectional anatomy used in ultrasound as well as body planes. It
examines leadership and educational opportunities found in sonography as an occupation.
Prerequisites: Admission into the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program.
Corequisite: DMSP 1100.
Offered: Fall, first year.
1102 Abdomen Ultrasound I
This course is designed to introduce the ultrasound student to normal appearing
abdominal anatomy, including organs, cavities, structures and vasculature. The
sonographic appearnace of normal anatomic structures, including anatomic variants and
normal Doppler patterns will also be discussed. International ultrasound procedures will
be included. The student develops the skills necessary to perform basic diagnostic
ultrasound studies for presentation to the physician and/or radiologist for interpretation.
Prerequisite: DMSP 1101 with a grade of C or better.
Offered: Spring, first year.