1090 College Choir I
This course involves the study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for choir.
It’s open to all students who enjoy singing. Repertory includes wide range of choral
music representing all styles and periods. May be taken for two semesters before
advancing to MUSC 2090 College Choir 2. Required of students studying vocal as their
performance ensemble during enrollment. Extra rehearsals called at the discretion of the
director. May be taken each semester.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1100 Music Appreciation
The course is an introduction to music history and literature. No musical background is
required. Students expand knowledge in order to appreciate and understand a wide
variety of musical styles. This course examines the evoluation of Western art music from
the earliest days of civilization to the present. The course is designed to arouse students’
interest in music as art and to develop their ability to understand it and respond to it. The
course offers opportunities to hear recorded music in class and to experience live music
in concerts. MUSC 1100 and FIAR 2250 are related courses; only one can count toward
Prerequisites: None.
Offered: All semesters.
1101 Elementary Music Theory I
This course is a study of rhythm and its notation. Pitch and its notation, scales, keys,
modes, and intervals, harmony (triads, chords, root positions, figured bass conventions).
Harmonic analysis techniques, cadences, aspects of melodic construction, and voice
leading principles.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1102 Elementary Music Theory II
This course is a study of voice leading principles (review), functional tonality, seventh
chords, and form.
Prerequisite: MUSC 1101.
Offered: Spring, Summer.
MUSC 1110 Applied Music for students in Non-Music Plans of study and
students studying in a secondary area of music
A one-half hour private lesson each week and at least 2.5 practice hours per week,
leading to basic proficiency and performance of standard repertoire. Students may take
MUSC 1110 each semester until they complete the objectives of the course. MUSC 1110
does not satisfy the applied music requirement for a degree in music.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: All semesters.
1111 Applied Music for Non-Music plans of study
A one hour private music lesson each week and at least five practice hours per week,
leading to basic proficiency and performance of standard repertoire. Students may take
MUSC 1111 each semester until they complete the objectives of the course. MUSC 1111
does not satisfy the applied music requirement for a degree in music.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: All semesters.