MATH 1145 Survey of Calculus
This is a survey of Calculus for students in non-science curriculums. The topics include
limits, derivatives, integrals, logarithmic and exponential functions. A graphing calculator
is required. Students receiving credit for MATH 1145 cannot receive credit for MATH
Prerequisite: MATH 1111, MATH 1101 or 1113.
Offered: Spring, Fall.
MATH 1151 Calculus I with Geometry
This is the first of a three semester sequence in Calculus. Calculus I covers topics from
analytical geometry, limits, derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric and exponential
functions, and basic integration. A graphing calculator is required. Students receiving
credit for MATH 1151 cannot receive credit for MATH 1145. Prerequisite: MATH 1112
or MATH 1113 or consent of Division Dean.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MATH 1401 Introduction to Statistics – eCore only
The course is a course in basic statistics. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability,
distributions, hypothesis testing, inferences, correlation, and regression.
Prerequisites: Math 1101 Mathematical Modeling, 1111 College Algebra, or 1113
Precalculus or approved equivalent.
MATH 1501 Calculus – eCore only
Topics to include functions, limits, continuity, the derivative, antidifferentiation, the
definite integral, and applications.
Prerequisites: Math 1113 - Pre-calculus or its equivalent.
MATH 2008 Foundations of Numbers and Operations
This course is an Area F introductory mathematics course for students studying Early
Childhood Education. This course will emphasize the understanding and use of the major
concepts of number and operations. As a general theme, strategies of problem solving
will be used and discussed in the context of various topics.
Prerequisites: MATH 1001, MATH 1111, MATH 1112, or MATH 1113.
Corequisites: None.
Offered: Fall and Spring semesters. Summer semester if requested by Dean of Business
and Social Science Division.
MATH 2205 Introduction to Statistics
This is an elementary course in descriptive and inferential statistics. Areas covered
include frequency distributions, graphing techniques, the normal distribution, descriptive
measures, probability, hypothesis testing, correlation, linear regression, and confidence
intervals. A graphing calculator is required.
Prerequisites: MATH 1001, MATH 1111, MATH 1113 or consent of Division Dean.
Offered: All semesters.
MATH 2218 Linear Algebra
Theory and applications of systems of linear equations, vector spaces and linear
transformations are covered. Fundamental concepts include: linear independence, basis
and dimension, orthogonality, projections, least squares analysis solutions of inconsistent
systems; matrices, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and applications. A graphing calculator is
Prerequisites: MATH 2252 or MATH 1151 with consent of Division Dean.
Offered: On demand.