2020W Medical Laboratory Technology IV
An in-depth study of analytical techniques utilized to measure the biochemical entities of
blood and various body fluids. The correlation of test results to human physiology and
pathology is emphasized.
Prerequisite: CHEM 1212K.
Corequisite: MLTS 2020L.
Offered: Summer; online and traditional options.
2020L Medical Laboratory Technology IV LAB
The laboratory component is used to develop the skills and competencies required to
operate and standardize instruments utilized in the performance of chemical tests. The
use of quality control is emphasized.
Corequisite: MLTS 2020W.
Offered: Summer; online and traditional options.
2630 Medical Laboratory Technology Externship
Students are introduced to the clinical laboratory in an affiliate clinical laboratory setting.
The students receive an orientation to each department and an introduction to hospital
policies and procedures. Each student rotates through appropriate departments and is
allowed to demonstrate and develop their skills and competencies in blood bank,
hematology, microbiology, chemistry, phlebotomy and body fluid analysis under the
supervision of the laboratory staff instructor.
Prerequisites: MLTS 1160, MLTS 1161, MLTS 2010, MLTS 2020.
Offered: Fall.
2670 Seminars in Medical Laboratory Science
Seminar presentations on various topics related to medical laboratory science (topic
reviews for board exams, professionalism, laboratory information systems, case
presentations and/or other).
Corequisite: MLTS 2630.
Offered: Fall; online and traditional options.
MUSC 1070 College Orchestra I
This course involves the study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for
orchestra. This course involves a performance ensemble open to college students and
community members. Repertory is consistent with proficiency levels of participants, buy
is challenging. May be taken for two semesters before advancing to MUSC 2070 College
Orchestra 2. Required of students studying string as their performance ensemble during
enrollment. Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor.
Prerequisite: Ability to play an orchestral instrument at college level.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MUSC 1080 College Concert Band I
This course involves the study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for band.
This course involves a performance ensemble open to college students and community
members. Repertory is consistent with proficiency levels of participants, but is
challenging. May be taken for two semesters before advancing to MUSC 2080 College
Concert Band 2. Required of students studying woodwind, brass, and percussion as their
performance ensemble during enrollment. Additional rehearsals may be announced by
the instructor.
Prerequisite: Ability to play a band instrument at college level.
Offered: Fall, Spring.