MATH 2252 Calculus II
This is the second of a three semester sequence in Calculus. Calculus II includes a
continuation of techniques of integration, applications of integration, plane analytical
geometry, parametric equations, Taylor’s theorem, sequences and series. A graphing
calculator is required.
Prerequisite: MATH 1151 or consent of Division Dean.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MATH 2253 Calculus III
This is the third of a three semester sequence in Calculus. Calculus III includes vector-
valued functions, vector derivatives, curvature, geometry of space, partial differentiation,
functions of several variables, vector analysis, multiple integration, and applications of
multiple integration. A graphing calculator is required. Prerequisite: MATH 2252 or
consent of Division Dean.
Offered: Spring.
0099 MESA Orientation
This course assists students in acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to reach their
educational objectives in engineering, mathematics and science-related fields. Topics
include: career decisions and strategies, educational and personal enrichment, study
skills and habits, time management, academic preparation and success in college. Field
trips may be required. MESA 0099 will serve as an elective for plans of study in the
Science and Math Division.
Prerequisites: None.
Corequisites: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
MKTG 3050 Introduction to Marketing – eMajor Only
Basics of targeting products and services to satisfy customer needs through
product, price, promotion, and distribution strategies. Marketing strategies are discussed
within the context of prevailing political, social, ethical, economic, legal, competitive,
and technological environments.
Prerequisites: ECON 1500 or ECON 2106.
1160W Medical Laboratory Technology I
An in-depth study of the sciences of hematology and body fluids analysis. It deals with
the morphology of blood and blood-forming tissues, the principles of blood sample
collections and the composition and function of multiple body fluids. Physiology and
pathology are emphasized.
Prerequisite: Admission into the MLT program or permission of the instructor.
Offered: Fall; online & traditional options.
1160L Medical Laboratory Technology I LAB
The laboratory component of the course is utilized to develop skills and competencies
required to perform laboratory analysis of blood and body fluids.
Corequisite: MLTS 1160W.
Offered: Fall; online and traditional options.
1161W Medical Laboratory Technology II
This course provides an introduction to the principles of immunology and provides the
student with a concise and thorough guide to transfusion practices and
Corequisite: MLTS 1161L.
Offered: Spring; online and traditional options.