1161L Medical Laboratory Technology II LAB
The laboratory component of the course is utilized to develop skills and competencies
required to perform blood banking procedures and to maintain procedures for the
efficient operation of a blood bank.
Corequisite: 1161W.
Offered: Spring; online and traditional options.
1182 Parasitology, Mycology & Virology
A course in clinical parasitology, mycology, and virology covers human fungal, parasitic
and viral infections. The course presents mechanisms of infection, life cycles, and
infectious states of the organisms as well as disease progression within the host and the
practical application of laboratory procedures for detection and identification. Also
included is safety, specimen collection, preservation, transport, methods of identification
and therapy.
Prerequisites: BIOL 2115K, admission into the MLT program or permission of Program
Offered: Spring; online and traditional options.
1300 Introduction to Histology
This course emphasizes the introductory study of basic Histotechnology. Structure and
identification of tissue systems and organs is emphasized at the cellular level. The
laboratory component is structured to enhance the student’s knowledge of certain
histological preparations of human and veterinary tissue. Identification of images is
achieved through virtual microscopy.
Prerequisite: Admission into the Histology program.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1310W Histology I
This course emphasizes some of the competencies required to perform routine
histological procedures. These would include tissue fixation, principles and application
of microtomy, embedding techniques, laboratory operations, decalcification, solution
preparation and processing.
Prerequisites: Admission into the Histology program.
Corequisites: MLTS 1310L.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1310L Histology I Lab
The course is a laboratory component complementary to MLTS 1310W. It is utilized to
develop entry-level skills required to perform non-staining histological procedures.
Prerequisite: Admission into the Histology program.
Corequisite: MLTS 1310W.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1320W Histology II
This course emphasizes the fundamentals and clinical significance of routine and special
histological staining procedures. The student will differentiate between different classes
of special stains performed in a histology laboratory.
Prerequisite: Admission into the Histology program.
Corequisite: MLTS 1320L
Offered: Fall, Spring.