2117 Nursing Leadership
Emphasis is placed on the introduction of the fundamental principles of leadership and
management responsibilities for the entry level registered nurse. Topics will include, but not
limited to such practice issues as: safe, patient centered, quality care, effective delegation
and supervision, communication, collaborative care, informatics, quality improvement.
Nursing research and evidence based practice are also included.
Prerequisites: NURS 1111 and NURS 1112 with grades of C or better.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Every semester.
2311 Nursing Care of Women and Children (Health Care Professional Bridge)
This course explores the roles of the nurse in safely providing quality, patient centered
care within an interdisciplinary structure to meet the needs of families who have children.
Applies principles of health promotion from the antepartal period through adolescence
and examines human growth, development and responses to health deviation during these
periods in the life cycle. Patient centered care and quality improvement are the central
focus in the course. Informatics is emphasized when providing safe patient care.
Classroom and clinical instruction involves providing nursing care to antepartal,
intrapartal, postpartal and pediatric patients and incorporating evidence based practice
and previously learned knowledge and skills.
Prerequisites: NURS 1311 and NURS 2313 with grades of C or better.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Summer.
2313 Psychiatric Nursing (Health Care Professional Bridge)
This course focuses on the physiological, emotional, behavioral and sociocultural aspects
of mental health and mental illness. The nurse’s role as a collaborative member of the
behavioral health team is introduced. The course content is centered on evidence based
practice and quality improvement. Informatics is a component in the course. The clinical
rotations give the adult learner the opportunity to apply this knowledge to provide safe,
effective patient centered care in a therapeutic milieu.
Prerequisites: Admission into the Health Care Professional Bridge program and BIOL
Corequisite: NURS 1301.
Offered: Fall B Term, annually.
3000 Nursing Informatics
Nursing Informatics covers an introduction to information systems, ethical aspects,
nurses’ roles in informatics, HIPAA, professional development and patient safety
informatics tools.
Prerequisite: Admission into the RN to BSN Completion program.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
3005 Pathophysiology
The course introduces the pathophysiological basis of disease processes and common
health problems. The focus of this course is on compromises in the body’s ability to meet
its physiological needs and the role of the nurse in providing care.
Prerequisite: Admission into the RN to BSN Completion program.
Offered: Fall, Spring.