4400 Community Health Nursing
This course provides a foundation in the practice of promoting and preserving the health
of populations. The adult learner will apply knowledge and skills from nursing and the
public health sciences to focus on health promotion and health maintenance of
individuals, families and groups within the community. Students will identify
opportunities to provide health care to clients in a variety of settings based on concepts of
client-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality
improvement, safety and informatics. Students will participate in 60 hours of precepted
practice in the clinical setting. Clinical experiences occur in a variety of public health
and community-oriented settings and provide opportunities for population based nursing
practice with vulnerable populations.
Prerequisite: NURS 3200.
Offered: Every semester.
4800 Nursing Research
Nursing Research explores the research process and its relevance to nursing practice.
The primary focus is on the development of the student’s ability to be an effective
consumer of research with emphasis on the research process and its applicability in their
professional development.
Prerequisite: Admission into the RN to BSN Completion program
and MATH 2205.
Offered: Every semester.
4900 Ethical Issues in Nursing
This course
focuses on ethical issues in health care by offering a thorough understanding
in ethical theories, principles, models and trends as reflected in contemporary nursing
practice. Case studies of ethical issues and dilemmas in health care will provide the
framework for ethical reasoning and decision-making. Particular emphasis will be given
to the resolution of ethical dilemmas through moral and ethical reasoning to help bridge
the gap between theory and nursing practice.
Prerequisite: Admission into the RN to BSN Completion program.
Offered: Every semester.
OATC 3150 Computer Operating Systems for the Office- eMajor Only
An introduction to operating systems, with hands-on experience in at least one operating
system widely used in contemporary office settings. Topics include operating systems,
their development, function, resources, memory management, processor management, user
interface, and embedded software applications. This course helps prepare students to take a
certification exam for a current operating system.
ORGL 3400 Applied Computer Technology – eMajor Only
Development of intermediate and advanced skills in the use of speadsheet, database,
communication and presentation software. Emphasis is placed on creation of computer
projects appropriate to the student’s plan of study.
Restricted to BS-OAT plans of study.
OATC 3610 Design and Multimedia – eMajor Only
Development of the knowledge and skills necessary for utilizing web editing and graphics
programs effectively. This course will focus on the design and production of web sites and
other materials for use in educational and training environments.
OATC 3700 Desktop Publishing- eMajor Only
Development of desktop publishing concepts and their application to the modern office.
Basic, intermediate, and advanced features of a variety of application programs for page
design will be used to create various business-related documents.