3010 Intro to Professional Nursing
This course includes an introduction to professional nursing responsibilities and
expectations and explores the role of the professional nurse in providing care. An
investigation of major contemporary nursing issues to include the influence of history,
nursing theory, legal issues, nursing philosophy, political activism, health care delivery
systems, provision of culturally competent care and current/ future challenges for the
nursing profession. The ANA Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice and the Code of
Ethics for Nurses are explored.
Prerequisite: Admission into the RN to BSN Completion program.
Offered: Fall, Spring
3200 Health Assessment
This course builds on the student’s knowledge and skills in health assessment. Students
further develop skills of history taking, inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation and
documentation of the health assessment. Normal findings and cultural and age variations
of adults are emphasized.
Prerequisite: Admission into the RN to BSN Completion program.
Offered: Every semester.
3500 Health and Wellness of Aging
Health and Wellness of Aging provides the most current information about best practices
in gerontological nursing based on the most current research. The content ranges from
biological, such as the etiology of common conditions and geropharmacology, to caring
for persons with dementia, to understanding Medicare and aging and nursing in rural
settings. This course introduces the standards for competencies required for
gerontological nursing education and the promotion of health while aging.
Prerequisite: Admission into the RN to BSN Completion program.
Offered: Every semester.
NURS 4010 Principles of Nursing Leadership
This course
focuses principles of leadership and management as a professional registered
nurse. There will be exploration of roles, traits and contributions of nurse leaders in
clinical and managerial positions. Aspects of problem solving, effective communication,
conflict resolution, decision-making and team building are explored. The course is
designed to assist in leadership self-awareness and encourage students to explore
Transformational Leadership qualities. An analysis of trends and issues occurring in
today’s workforce will assist students in exercising leadership skills. Students will
participate in 60 hours of precepted practice in the clinical setting. Clinical experiences
occur in a variety of leadership settings and provide opportunities for practice of
leadership concepts learned in course.
Prerequisite: NURS 4400.
Offered: Every semester.