ORGL 4000 Reflective Seminar III-eMajor only
Graded “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory.” A seminar including critical self-evaluations
of prior learning experiences using frameworks for reflection and analysis, as well as the
development of the student’s own capacity to adapt and transform their own learning
Restricted to BS-ORGL students.
ORGL 4690 Capstone Seminar in ORGL-eMajor only
A capstone course in which students combine reflection on prior learning with research
and analysis on the learning outcomes of their current degree program and specialization;
culminating in a life learning paper that addresses their own abilities and limitations as
learners and their progress in their degree program.
Restricted to BS-ORGL students.
ORGL 4900 Organizational Internship-eMajor only
Students may receive academic credit for personal experience in non-profit organizations,
the political process, or public employment. Credit hours only apply toward electives.
1100 Introduction to Occupational Therapy
The following concepts will be presented: Functional definitions of occupational
therapy; the history of occupational therapy, philosophy, and ethics; the roles of
occupational therapy professionals; and differentiation of occupational therapist and
occupational therapy assistant responsibilities, the reimbursement for O.T. services and
professional credentialing. An overview of the particular patient populations which an
occupational therapy assistant might interact with is given. Specific types of treatment
settings are explored in detail, with the scope of OTA practice examined, including the
research data gathering role. Awareness of local and national occupational therapy
organizations is emphasized. Demonstrated professional behaviors are encouraged
Corequisites: ALHE 1104, ALHE 1120, OTAS 1105, OTAS 1111.
Prerequisite: Admission into the OTA program.
Offered: Fall.
1105 Patient Care Skills for the OTA
Introduction of concepts and procedures of patient care in occupational therapy. Topics
include patient positioning and draping, body mechanics, patient transfers, vital signs
monitoring, infection control, aseptic techniques, therapeutic exercise, ADA awareness,
confidentiality, adjustment and maintenance of assistive equipment, and safety.
Corequisites: OTAS 1100, OTAS 1111, ALHE 1104, ALHE 1115.
Prerequisite : Admission into the OTA program.
Offered: Fall.
1111 Functional Anatomy and Kinesiology
Analysis of human movement and its impact on function through the integration of
biomechanics, kinesiology and applied anatomy. Principles will be reinforced through a
problem-solving approach for understanding movement. Goniometric measurments and
manual muscle testing of the upper and lower extremities, trunk and head will be
Corequisites: OTAS 1100, OTAS 1105, ALHE 1104, ALHE 1115.
Prerequisite: Admission into the OTA program.
Offered: Fall.