OATC 4020 Virtual Office Technology – eMajor Only
Development of the knowledge and skills necessary for utilizing web editing and graphics
programs effectively. This course will focus on the design and production of web sites and
other materials for use in educational and training environments.
Overview of skills needed to perform as a virtual office assistant. Emphasis placed on the
use of time and i management applications and increased knowledge of the role of online
meeting, Internet telephone, communication sowftware, Internet research, social
networking tools, e-commerce and mobile devices in the modern office. This course helps
prepare students to take a certificate exam for a current communication software program.
OATC 4160 Administrative Office Procedure – eMajor Only
Developemnt of increased awareness of the role and scope of the administrative assistant
position. This course will focus on basic and expanded job responsibilities,
professionalism and the performance of simulated office activities.
OATC 4810 Contemporary Skills for the Workplace– eMajor Only
Analysis of the workplace skills needed in a rapidly changing technological society.
Emphasis is on communication skills, employee motivation, change management,
delegation, team building, and career planning. Students are required to build a career plan
and to design a change management project.
OCEX 2290 Occupational Experience
(1-0-1); (2-0-2); (3-0-3)
Directed work experience with a business firm, government agency, or other organization
under the Cooperative Education program in an area of a student's preparation and interest.
Cooperative Education may or may not count toward degree requirements. Check your
program in the College catalog or seek help from a faculty member in your plan of study
Prerequisite: Completion of nine semester hours with a 2.00 GPA & approval of instructor.
Offered: All semesters.
ORGL 2050 Communications for the Workplace - eMajor Only
Principles of effective oral and written communications. A thorough review of grammar,
sentence and paragraph construction, punctuation and writing techniques. Emphasis on the
job-getting process.
ORGL 3000 Reflective Seminar I- eMajor only
Graded “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory.” An introduction of the major conceptual
frameworks for reflective learning that requires students to reflect on and document their
own assumptions, beliefs and biases and how they affected their prior learning experience.
Restricted to BS-ORGL students.
ORGL 3050 Reflective Seminar II-eMajor of study only
Graded “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory.” A seminar that develops the student’s
understanding of the conceptual frameworks for reflective learning.
Restricted to BS-ORGL students.
ORGL 3200 Introduction to Organizational Development – eMajor only
A broad survey of major topics in Organizational Development including but not limited
to Introduction to organizational process; creation of organizational growth
climates/cultures; examination and selection of effective leadership styles and effective
modes of communication; coping with the future in periods of accelerating change.