Chair’s Message

Message from the Chair


Biology is about studying the complex poetry that is life on this planet from the infinitesimal workings of the nucleus of a cell to the interplay of massive eco-systems.  The study of biology, therefore, is a corner stone of a liberal arts education and, therefore, an elemental part of any university's general education.  In choosing the Biological Sciences as a major area of study, a student is embarking on a journey of exploration and discovery along pathways that lead to careers in research, medical professions, and the ever-expanding fields of environmental and sustainability studies.  Advancements in genetics, biochemistry, biotechnology, stem cell research, and the like will generate a wide range of opportunities for our graduates.  

At ASU, we put students first.  It is our objective to foster strong analytical and communication skill sets that will set our graduates apart.  A Biological Sciences major will work closely with a diverse faculty who serve as advisors and research mentors who will impart valuable laboratory experience and a thorough understanding of responsible research practices and protocol.  Through career pathways students engage in career specific coursework while gaining a sense of camaraderie and ample opportunities for collaboration.  

Our laboratories and field equipment provide excellent opportunities for research and independent study projects.  In addition to conducting research at Albany State University, students are strongly encouraged to participate in summer internships regionally, nationally, and internationally.  Partnerships with the Flint Riverquarium and Chehaw Park give our students experiential learning opportunities and portfolio building projects.