Online Classes and Remote Instruction
Continuity of Student Learning
Faculty and Staff,
When it is necessary to suspend all activities including face-to-face classes due to unintended disturbances, faculty should prepare and plan for alternative learning options.
- Course material should be covered using online instruction tools via GA VIEW. Prepare your courses to be delivered online should students be under quarantine.
- Faculty should prepare and distribute a timeline of learning activity expectations before or immediately upon declaration of suspension of classes. The expectations should include alternative learning options for students with and without Internet and computer access. For example, consider “asynchronous” discussions; video conferencing and alternative plans for laboratory and clinical course requirements.
- Faculty and students who traveled to countries at a Level 3 or higher designation are required to remain home as they self-monitor for 14 days prior to returning to campus. Additionally, all instructions for quarantine or isolation must be followed.
- Students should not be penalized for absenteeism during the period of self-monitoring. Have plans in place if a quarantine or isolation is required.
- Similarly, faculty during a period of self-monitoring or quarantine should continue to communicate with students via learning management systems and online teaching strategies.
If we need to close the university for a period of time, please be prepared to teach courses remotely from home. The Distance Learning Department has released an Overview of GaVIEW. This resource contains videos to assist you in creating online course content and assessments. We realize that some faculty have never used this feature. However, we are being proactive in our attempts to ensure that we have a plan in place for the continuity of student learning.
Dr. Angela Peters
Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs