Freshmen Students

You’ve made the choice. Now it’s time to find out what it takes to become a Golden Ram!

Freshmen Admissions

Prospective first-year students must meet one of the following admission criteria:

  • 2.0+ unweighted GPA with Evidence-Based Reading & Writing:  480 & Math 440 SAT or
    •  2.0+ unweighted GPA with English or Reading 17 & Math 17
    • Applicants with a high school GPA of at least a 2.0 can be admitted into our access pathway programs.

Requirements include satisfactory completion of the Required High School Curriculum and all other requested documentation.

The University System of Georgia authorized this change.


Students who are still completing their high school education – or have recently received their diploma and have not taken college or university courses after high school – are considered freshmen for admission purposes at Albany State University.


  1. Apply Online
  2. Pay the $25 non-refundable application fee online or enter an acceptable fee waiver code as you submit your application. 
      • If you believe that your financial state may qualify you for an application fee waiver code, we accept application fee waiver codes from College Board, ACT, and NACAC. Please send the completed form to

    • How can I find out if I qualify for a fee waiver code?
      • You are qualified for or have already earned a fee waiver for the ACT or SAT.
        You are qualified to take part in the federal free or reduced lunch program (FRPL) or are enrolled in it.
      • Your family's annual income is under the USDA Food and Nutrition Service's income eligibility standards.
      • You are enrolled in a federal, state, or local program (like Upward Bound or TRIO programs) that assists kids from low-income families.
      • Your family is supported by the government.
      • You either reside in a foster home, receive government subsidies for public housing, or are homeless.
      • You are either an orphan or a ward of the state.
      • Students currently serving in the military (Active Duty, National Guard, or Reserves).
    • Please contact the Office of Admissions and Recruitment for assistance on further assistance  on obtaining a application fee waiver code.

  1. Submit official high school transcript to the Office of Admissions 
    1. You can do this by logging into your account at or or you can contact your high school counselor and request they send a copy of your official transcript. The Required High School Curriculum is used to calculate your high school GPA, so it may appear lower than you originally anticipated because we do not include courses like weight lifting, health, art, drama, etc.

    2. If you have dual-enrollment credits from institutions other than Albany State University, please request the official transcripts from, or

  2. Send us official copies of your SAT/ACT scores from the testing agency. (SAT code: 5004 / ACT code: 0782) 

      1. To be considered for the bachelors program, you must meet the minimum requirements on the SAT/ACT and have a least a 2.0 GPA. Please make sure that those scores are up-to-date. If you submit scores and then retest, you may submit the new scores for reevaluation. We will reevaluate your admission file and render an updated decision based on the updated scores. Albany State University will take the highest Evidence-Based Reading & Writing and highest Math scores (or their equivalent from the old exam). For the ACT, we use the English or Reading and Math scores.

      2. If you do not submit SAT/ACT test scores you will be automatically placed in Math and English learning support courses. If you take one of the tests, please submit your test scores and your student record will be updated to determine course placement. (You may matriculate into a Bachelor’s degree program after successful completion of an Associate’s degree or 30 hours of coursework (not including learning support courses). A minimum 2.0 high school GPA is required.
  3. Submit your Verification of Lawful Presence and Immunization Records here.
  4. Check your admissions status online

      All application materials should be mailed to: Office of Admissions, 504 College Drive, Albany, GA 

 Decision Timeline

 Applicants are admitted on a rolling basis. Decisions are posted online.

Admissions Requirements

Perspective first-year students must meet one of the following admission criteria:

  • 2.0+ unweighted GPA with Evidence-Based Reading & Writing:  480 & Math 440 SAT or
  • 2.0+ unweighted GPA with English or Reading 17 & Math 17 or
  • Applicants with a high school GPA of at least 2.0 can be admitted into our access pathway programs.

Requirements include satisfactory completion of the Required High School Curriculum and all other requested documentation.

The University System of Georgia authorized this change.

Your High School GPA is calculated by the Office of Admissions using the 17 Required High School Curriculum courses listed at the bottom of this page. Additional information can be found at Staying on Course. Grades will be used as listed on your official high school transcript; Albany State University does not add or remove weight for accelerated courses.

SAT & ACT Test Scores

Evidence-Based Reading & Writing: 480+ English or Reading: 17+
Math: 440+ Math: 17+
Total: Not Considered Composite: Not Considered
Note: We will “superscore” your highest EBRW and Math to create the highest possible total. Note: We will “superscore” your highest English and Math to create the highest possible total.


Required High School Curriculum

  • MATHEMATICS: Four units of Mathematics, including Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and a fourth year of advanced Mathematics or Mathematics I, II, III, and a fourth unit of advanced Mathematics. Albany State University does not accept Mathematics Support or Mathematics of Finance.
  • ENGLISH: Four units of English which have as their emphasis grammar and usage, literature (American, English, World), and advanced composition skills.
  • SCIENCE: Four units of science where two courses include a laboratory component. Georgia public high school graduates must have at least one unit of Biology, one unit of Physical Science or Physics, one unit of Chemistry, Earth Systems, Environmental Science, or an advanced placement science course, and a fourth science.
  • SOCIAL SCIENCE: Three units of social science, with at least one course focusing on United States studies and one course focusing on world studies.
  • FOREIGN LANGUAGE: Two units in the same foreign language emphasizing speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Two units of American Sign Language or certain Computer Science courses may be used to satisfy this requirement.

 Decision Timeline

 Applicants are admitted on a rolling basis. Decisions are posted online.


Summer Success Academy Program

Albany State University's Summer Success Academy helps incoming freshman develop meaningful learning habits and provides a jump start to a successful academic career. The Summer Success Academy consists of engaging programs, activities, and services that work together and with you to build a pathway to your academic success. For more information, download the brochure by clicking here. All admitted students interested in registering for the Summer Success Academy click here. 

These students begin classes in the summer, gaining access to campus resources and support to assist in their transition to college. This program runs concurrently with Albany State’s summer term, from mid-June to mid-July. Students live on campus with other participants, creating an engaged community with opportunities for success.

Students who are interested in participating in Summer Success Academy should complete the regular undergraduate application for admission, applying for the summer or fall term. Qualified applicants will be invited to attend.

Students are admitted to Summer Success Academy during a holistic admissions review process. In addition, any student admitted for the summer or fall term can choose to participate in Summer Success Academy. Decisions are made based on a holistic review of high school curriculum, grade point average, and college entrance exam scores. Visit the Summer Success Academy to learn more.

For more details about the Summer Success Academy


Call: 229-500-4358

Mail: Enrollment Management and Student Success
         504 College Drive (C228 West)
         Albany, GA 31705

Additional Information

  • If you graduated from high school five or more years prior to your intended enrollment date, you are considered a non-traditional student.

Albany State University Office of Undergraduate Admissions will only maintain a record of non-enrolling student test scores and transcripts for five years. Admission applications and fees are kept active for one year. After one year, students must reapply for consideration.

 Decision Timeline

 Applicants are admitted on a rolling basis. Decisions are posted online.


Dual Enrollment

Students who have participated in Move On When Ready/Dual Enrollment or another dual-enrollment program while also in high school are required to send transcripts from all institutions attended, even if the courses are listed on the high school transcript. Earned college credit will not be awarded without the official transcript(s). Additionally, failure to submit these transcripts could result in delays in financial aid or the ability to alter your schedule once enrolled at Albany State University.

 Decision Timeline

 Applicants are admitted on a rolling basis. Decisions are posted online.


Homeschooled Students

Students from accredited homeschool programs should meet regular admission criteria.

Applicants graduating from non-accredited homeschools or high schools must meet the admission criteria required of other applicants but may demonstrate their graduation and completion of the RHSC in an alternative way, including a course portfolio. Please contact your admissions counselor for additional information.


Home study programs accredited or approved by the following agencies are acceptable.

Agency Address Phone
Association of Christian Schools International PO Box 1537, Snellville, GA 30075 770-353-7090
GA Accrediting Commission Inc. 1243 Big Creek Church Rd.
Alma, GA 31510
GA Association of Christian Schools

157 Holly Hills Drive, Athens GA 30606-3282

Southern Association of College and Schools 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033 404-679-4500
The GA Private School Accrediting Commission   706-549-2190


 Decision Timeline

 Applicants are admitted on a rolling basis. Decisions are posted online.