ASU Commencement Spotlight: Janese Bibbs, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Janese bibbs, bachelor of Science in chemistry
Future plans: Plans to enroll into a master of biomedical sciences program to prepare for medical school
Janese Bibbs, an Illinois native, will graduate on May 11 with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry. Janese is passionate about women empowerment. She served as Miss Albany State University (’18-19), Junior Class President (’17-’18) and Miss Sophomore (’16-’17). Janese was also a member of the Student Government Association, Collegiate Women of Empowerment, Habitat for Humanity, Pre-Medical Society, Velma Fudge Grant Honor Program and Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity.
What motivated you to learn more about your field?
I have always had a passion for helping people. After attending the Meharry Medical College BS/MD Summer Enrichment Program in summer 2016, I found my purpose to become a doctor to help ensure the healthy, physical and emotional well-being of future patients.
Why did you choose ASU?
I initially came to ASU because of my interest in the forensic science program. However, I decided to stay at ASU because the faculty in the department of chemistry and forensic science molded me to become a better student and professional post-graduation.
What do you love most about your chosen profession?
I will be able to apply the knowledge I have learned at ASU beyond the classroom. Not only that, but as a doctor I will be responsible for fostering the care of patients, providing preventative healthcare and be of service to patients through the important moments of their life.
Who has made the biggest impact on you and who do you consider to be a role model at ASU?
Dr. John Williams, a biology professor, has had the greatest impact on my life during my matriculation because of his wisdom. He has helped me to think beyond what I know, pushed me beyond my limits and to become a better version of myself. Lastly, Dr. Lyons, Mrs. Mosely and Mrs. Williams in the Honors Program have equipped me with everything I need to tackle my collegiate and become successful in life.
What advice would you give to other ASU students?
Take advantage of every moment that college has to offer. Step out of your comfort zone and never be afraid to grow. Lastly, have fun as college days will swiftly pass.
What would you say to a high school student about choosing ASU to further their education?
If you want to attend an institution that will help you realize your potential, develop you personally, academically, and professionally and to become a better version of yourself, the Unsinkable Albany State University is the premier institution is for you.