Vision and Mission
Final Report
- ASU Cochair – Dr. Art Dunning, President, Albany State University
- DSC Cochair – Dr. Richard Carvajal, Interim President, Darton State College
Albany State University
- Dr. Kevin Scott, Associate Professor in English and Modern Languages
- Dr. Florence Lyons, Associate Professor and Coordinator of Speech and Theater
- Dr. Chanta Haywood, Vice President for Institutional Advancement
- Dr. Linda Grimsley, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Ms. Wendy Wilson, Special Asst. to the President for Strategic Communications & University
- Dr. Kellei Samuels, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Research and Effectiveness
- Dr. Danette Saylor, Vice President for Student Affairs and Success
- Dr. Paul Bryant, Associate Provost for Enrollment Management
- Ms. Katherine Laster, Director of Internal Audits
- Dr. LaVerne McLaughlin, Director of the Library and Associate Professor
- Dr. George Thomas, Professor of Criminal Justice and Sociology and Faculty Liaison
- Dr. Walter Bowers, Chair of Faculty Senate and Assistant Professor in Criminal Justice
and Sociology
- Ms. Laurentiis Gaines, President of the Student Government Association
- Dr. Jianchuan Zhou, Assistant Professor of Arts and Humanities
- Dr. Alicia Jackson, Dean of the College of Business
- Ms. Loretta Harris, Business Services Lead Accountant
- Dr. Carolyn Rollins, Associate Professor in the College of Education
- Dr. Erica Decuir, Assistant Professor in the College of Education
- Dr. Ashok Jain, Professor of Biology
- Ms. Pamela Lewis, College of Education Graduate Student
- Mr. Del Kimbrough, Interim V. P. for Information Technology
Darton State College
- Mr. Preston Sweet, Assoc. Prof. of Computing Disciplines
- Mr. Frank Malinowski, Interim Associate Vice President for Academic & Student Affairs
- Dr. Tom Ormond, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Mr. Gerryson Engelhardt, SGA VP for Academic Affairs
- Dr. Jeff Etheridge, Occupational Therapy Assistant Program Director
- Ms. Renita Luck, Director of Online Learning
- Mr. Rocco Cappello, Interim Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs / Dean of
- Ms. Lea Henry, Interim Director of Athletics
- Ms. Pat Ridgeway, Assistant Dean of Student Success
- Dr. Jamie Barker, Assistant Professor of English
- Dr. Elizabeth Perkins, Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Dr. Jason Goodner, Assistant Professor of Sociology
- Ms. Wendy Kennedy, Chair of Social Sciences
- Dr. Ulf Kirchdorfer, Professor of English
- Ms. Cynthia George, Chief Advancement Officer
- Dr. Elizabeth Delancy, Assistant Professor of Dance
- Mr. John Clemens, Vice President for Fiscal Affairs
- Mr. Jeremiah Pitts, Associate Prof. of English to Speakers of Other Languages & Faculty
Senate Chair
- Ms. Debra Richardson, Assistant Professor of Nursing
- Mr. Lee Howell, Director of Plant Operations
- Develop New Mission Statement
- Develop Vision Statement