COVID-19 Reporting
ASU is requesting that all students, faculty, staff and visitors complete a Ram Check for COVID-19 symptoms before visiting or returning to campus.
ASU Reported COVID-19 Cases
Albany State University has a Ram Check symptom checker to record symptoms; and evaluate unique situations; and to support the university's COVID-19 related academic, employment and on-campus notification needs.
ASU presents the information below to provide current, relevant information about the status of the COVID-19 pandemic on our campuses as collected through our reporting system. Please note:
- This information includes self-reported test results and on campus testing results.
- This information is self-reported.
- The totals may include reports from individuals who are associated with the University, but have not been on campus recently. There may be delays in reporting, and the reports may even include individuals who have recovered.
- The university is legally bound to protect the health information and privacy of individual faculty, staff, and students. Privacy laws prevent us from identifying anyone on this list.
- When ASU learns of positive cases, they are reported to the local Department of Public
Health in a timely manner then forward to the county where individuals reside. The
GDPH Daily Status Report
provides members of our community an accurate and relevant assessment of the number of cases in the areas where they live and work. This information may be found at the following link here.
University COVID-19 Statistics
FOR THE PERIOD OF September 4 - september 8, 2023
Current Student Cases
133 Total Since August 1, 2023
Current Employee Cases
16 Total Since August 1, 2023
Using the CDC guidelines for discontinuing home quarantine or isolation, the affected employees and students may return to campus when they have met all three of the following
- No fever for at least 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication), AND
- Improved symptoms, AND
- Been at least 10 days since symptoms first appeared.