Campus Update 1/15/21

Gold Seal

Special Message from President Fedrick and Chief Elder Campus Safety

Dear ASU Parent/Family Member, 

Please see the below message sent to students from President Fedrick and Chief Elder.
Dear Ramily,
In light of the recent incidents that occurred since January 6, 2021, I want to reinforce our commitment to providing an open and welcoming campus, while maintaining vigilance and safety. As always, the safety of our campus community is our top priority. As I shared with you during the fall semester, we have implemented several new security measures with your safety in mind. 
As we move forward into what I expect will be another successful semester, we continue to reside at an inflection point in America. There are many great challenges before us, including addressing the challenges of racism and the violence associated with it, and secondly, defeating COVID-19. I implore each of you to govern yourselves appropriately in all of your interactions, encourage one another to observe social distancing, wear face coverings, wash your hands and do not gather in large groups. 
You will note that we have implemented several of the measures from our new security plan we commissioned last fall. This week you have most likely noticed modifications to our campus policing operations. Some of these modifications include:
  • the closing of certain campus entrances after hours,
  • requiring campus identification cards to be presented when entering campus,
  • requiring the use of campus identifications cards to access buildings,
  • organized campus identification card checks,
  • providing an enhanced police presence throughout the campus, and 
  • the installation of barriers and gates in strategic areas throughout the campus.
Although not a complete list, these modifications were and are intended to further the partnership between our faculty, staff, students and our campus police officers. ASU PD works continuously to ensure the safety of our community. In the coming days we are asking that you be very attentive to your surroundings. “If you see something, say something.” We urge everyone on campus to report any unusual circumstances to Campus Police immediately. As we continue to enjoy a safe campus, we understand there are no guarantees that crime will not occur nor impact our university.
Therefore, we must all remain vigilant in order to maintain our safety. Thank you for your individual efforts to assist in keeping ASU a safe and secure campus community. 
If you have any questions, concerns, or an emergency, please contact Campus Police at 229.430.4711.
Yours for ASU,
Marion Ross Fedrick 
Gregory L. Elder, Sr.
Chief of Police