Campus Update 3/9/21

Gold Seal

Special Message from President Fedrick
Summer and Fall 2021 Instructional Plan


Date: March 9, 2021

Thank you for your continued commitment to academic excellence and student success while following health and safety guidelines during this global pandemic. As challenging as it may seem, it was nearly a year ago that we transitioned fully to remote instruction and limited access to our campus environment due to COVID-19. It was resilience, determination, and consideration for others that allowed us to maintain institutional operations for our students, employees, and the community. I am forever grateful for all that each of you has done to ensure we continue to offer the "Golden Ram Guarantee."

As the summer and fall semesters approach, we will continue to be vigilant in responding to our students' needs and adjusting as needed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Please review the message below for key components of our plans for the summer and fall 2021 semesters.

Instructional Modalities – Summer 2021

We plan to offer as many face-to-face sessions as possible for summer 2021 classes. However, some classes will continue to be hybrid and/or online. Hybrid and online classes may be synchronous or asynchronous. Students and faculty must maintain six feet or greater distance from each other and wear appropriate face coverings while on all ASU campuses.

Class Attendance Policies

As we did in the spring semester, we will abide by the class attendance policies stated in ASU's Academic Affairs policy. Overall, class attendance is required. Early and clear communication with students about class attendance requirements is essential, as it helps students and faculty organize their schedules effectively. Student Health Services will inform faculty of students who receive an approved alternative educational arrangement, as appropriate.

Student Requests for COVID-19-Related Alternative Educational Arrangements

Requests from students for an alternative educational arrangement due to COVID-19 will continue to be handled through Student Health Services and the Office of Counseling and Student Accessibility Services. The staff in these departments will work directly with students to assess their individual needs and develop appropriate services and plans.

If you have questions regarding a COVID-19 alternative educational arrangement, please contact the Office of Counseling and Student Accessibility Services or 229-500-2013.

Fall 2021 Planning

As the country continues an aggressive COVID-19 vaccination distribution process, we anticipate that the fall 2021 semester will open to full in-person instruction, and full capacity in our residence halls and dining facilities without COVID-19 restrictions. We are also planning for regular operations for other campus services, including third-party rentals.

If health conditions require, we will be prepared to implement protocols to return to social distancing and alternative instructional formats (hybrid, online, or remote).

Continuing Health and Safety Protocols

We will continue to follow guidance from the Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). We encourage you to continue following the respective websites, the ASU website and monitoring messages from ASUInfo for updates that may impact campus operations.

Until further notice, please continue to follow the University System of Georgia's protocol for face-covering, maintaining social distancing, washing our hands frequently, and using hand sanitizer, even as vaccines are administered to more recipients. Maintaining these health and safety protocols has served our campus community well and has prepared us for the fall semester.

We ask that you continue to self-monitor for any symptoms of COVID-19 and use Ram Check every day before coming to campus. You may report a positive COVID-19 test through our self-reporting website.

Finally, please continue to take advantage of the free surveillance testing offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Old Bookstore on West Campus and L. Orene Hall Building on the East Campus.

Thank you for all you do for ASU! Together, we are ASU Strong!