Campus Update 6/17/20


Regarding the Return to Campus

Faculty and Staff,

ASU is committed to ensuring a safe transition back to campus.

All buildings have been cleaned and maintained in preparation for the return of faculty, staff and students. Facilities Management will maintain the same cleaning procedures as in the past, with an increased frequency focused on common areas such as break rooms, rest rooms, lobby areas and other high traffic areas. Each division and department has been provided disinfectant items that should be used in your area(s) to assist ASU’s effort to maintain a safe environment.

As a reminder, all employees are asked and encouraged to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Wear a face covering while on campus, unless in a closed office or workspace alone.  
  • Practice social/physical distancing and stay at least six feet away from other people while at work; to the extent possible.    
  • Avoid gathering in groups of 10 or more. 
  • Avoid crowded places and mass gatherings.  
  • If large numbers of participants are required, hold meetings and conferences virtually using institution provided technology such as WebEx, MS Teams, etc. Some employees may be in the office while other employees join via a virtual format.
  • Follow medical provider’s directions regarding COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 related symptoms. 

Continue visiting the ASU Coronavirus Resources and Update website at and reading ASUInfo emails for relevant updates and additional information.