Campus Update 6/22/20

Gold Seal

Special Message from the President: Welcome Back to Campus

Faculty and Staff,

As we continue our return to campus, I wanted to check in and welcome you back to campus. Your work environments, interactions and expectations are different and it is okay to take some time to settle back in to your routine. If you are struggling to adjust, please reach out to our Employee Assistance Program (company code: USGCares).

I want to give a special thanks to Facilities Management, who have cleaned and maintained the buildings in preparation for your return. Please help to make their responsibilities manageable by ensuring your work area is clean and organized so they have easy entry and access to the area.

As a reminder, please continue following these guidelines:

  • Wear a face covering while on campus, unless in a closed office or workspace alone. 
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Practice social/physical distancing and stay at least six feet away from other people while at work; to the extent possible.   
  • Avoid gathering in groups of 10 or more.
  • Avoid crowded places and mass gatherings. 
  • If there is a need for a large meeting, hold meetings and conferences virtually using institution-provided technology such as WebEx, MS Teams, or stagger the meeting over several days or shifts. 
  • Follow medical provider’s directions regarding COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 related symptoms.

Thank you for your consistent work to uphold ASU’s Golden RAM Guarantee, our promise to ensure academic excellence and student success. As we prepare for a successful fall semester, I appreciate your continued patience. The health and safety of our campus community is top priority. If there is something that needs attention or has been overlooked, please let us know by emailing Updates can be found at

Stay #ASUStrong.

Yours for ASU,

Marion Ross Fedrick