Campus Update 7/21/20

Gold Seal

Special Message from the President: Reunited

Good Afternoon Golden Rams,

I trust that each of you is safe, doing well, and adhering to safe practice guidelines during these unprecedented times. We are working diligently to ensure your safe return to campus beginning in August. We have worked carefully to establish new policies and procedures, while making modifications to the campus to facilitate a safe return in early August. These policies are in place for your protection and health, as we consider the impact that COVID-19 can have on our campus and environment.  

I would also like to welcome Dr. Terry Lindsay to Albany State University. You may recall that Dr. Lindsay was appointed Vice President of Student Affairs in early July. With classes right around the corner, Dr. Lindsay and I will begin to share a series of emails titled “Reunited” between now and the first two weeks of the fall semester.  

Fall semester will begin with all precautions in place. These precautions include fewer students in the residence halls, more frequent cleaning and sanitizing processes, development of monitoring protocols, modifications to our classroom space to ensure social distancing, and limiting visitor traffic on campus. Following these policies and procedures is critical for the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff. 

Without a doubt, this fall will be very different. We all are required to wear face coverings, practice social distancing, and monitor our physical symptoms daily (i.e., check for temperature, coughs, etc.).  Attending class will be different, as all classes will be a hybrid of in-classroom and virtual instruction. You will not be in the same classroom every day. Over the next two weeks, Dr. Lindsay and I will share additional details about the policies and procedures necessary for a safe return.

We continually monitor and evaluate our local and national communities’ health, and follow the guidelines set in place by the CDC, Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH) and the University System of Georgia (USG). If it is necessary to switch to a different mode of instruction or make adaptations to residence life at any time, we will notify you immediately. The policies and procedures in place will mitigate risks for returning to campus, but we all must do our part to be safe.  

If you have questions, comments or concerns, email the COVID-19 Taskforce at Continue to look for messages from Dr. Lindsay and me for additional information. Information will also be shared through ASUInfo and they will provide you with essential updates, links and resources.

Finally, above all else, please be safe. Remember to follow the CDC guidelines including wearing a mask, washing hands frequently and keeping your distance from others. We are all in this together as we work towards reuniting. Each of us must take individual responsibility to keep each other safe and healthy.

Go Rams!

Marion Ross Fedrick