University Branding
The Office of Marketing and Communications has produced a comprehensive set of brand
guidelines to provide visual cohesiveness for Albany State University’s internal and
external marketing and communication efforts. The proper uses of Albany State University’s
logo(s) are vital to protecting the integrity of its public image. By using the Albany
State University logo(s) correctly at all times–in all applications–Albany State University
continues to enhance its reputation as a premier academic institution.
It is essential to adhere to branding elements when preparing printed materials, developing
electronic media and creating other forms of promotional materials. The rules in this
manual will help you understand the visual and editorial standards that best promote
the Albany State University brand.
The Albany State University logo, and ASU Athletics’ Golden Ram are the property of
Albany State University. Merchants must be licensed before using the Albany State
University logo on any apparel, gifts, promotional items, etc.