Planting SEEDS for a Successful School Year
The Inclusion and Behavior Support Unit at DECAL is committed to supporting childcare
providers in creating and maintaining high-quality, inclusive environments for all
of Georgia’s earliest learners. With the unique experiences that young children and
their families have faced over the past year, we want to offer providers resources
to ensure every classroom is an inclusive environment where all children can succeed.
To do this, we are launching an outreach campaign entitled Planting SEEDS for a Successful School Year. This campaign will provide strategies and resources in the form of tip sheets, webinars,
provider testimonials, and a Facebook Live series that all focus on boosting social-emotional
wellness and minimizing challenging child behaviors within your program. Social media
outlets will be our main form of communicating these tools to the community, so be
sure to follow DECAL on Facebook and Instagram. Please take advantage of this opportunity
to learn more about the Specialists in your area and hear our team touch on common
issues in the classroom. We will be providing tips on how to implement various inclusive
practices and ideas on how to embed social emotional supports throughout the learning
day. The outreach campaign will also feature success stories from providers across
Georgia, as well as information on how and when to reach out to us for support. Through
a successful partnership with Georgia early childhood providers, we as an education
community can address the needs of our children and build a strong foundation for
a successful school year. For more information about the free trainings and coaching
support we provide, contact the SEEDS for Success Helpline at 1-(833) 354-HELP, or
email us at

Georgia Professional Development System