2024 Albany State University Presidential Search

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On June 13, 2024, The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (USG) today named members of the Albany State University (ASU) Presidential Search Committee. The committee will conduct a national search for a permanent president to lead the university. 

As the national search is underway, Dr. Lawrence M. Drake II will serve as the interim president of ASU replacing Dr. Marion Ross Fedrick, effective July 1, 2024. Founded in 1903, Albany State University continues to provide leadership in academic excellence, social change, and economic impact as the largest historically Black college or university in Georgia. 

“Albany State has achieved three consecutive years of growth in enrollment and a significant increase in freshmen retention,” USG Chancellor Sonny Perdue said. “The search committee’s priority will be to find another exceptional leader who will continue that momentum and nurture Albany State’s critical role in the community and as one of the premier HBCUs in Georgia.”

“The university plays a critical role in Southwest Georgia by preparing students for the modern workforce through economic development, strategic partnerships and entrepreneurship,” Regent Bárbara Rivera Holmes said. “It is an honor to chair this committee as we prepare to search for a strong leader of the largest HBCU in our state. I look forward to finding candidates who can build on Albany State’s vital history and record of impact, and who will continue providing the leadership and talent that will foster economic growth in the Albany area and throughout Georgia.”

The Presidential Search Committee will guide the first stage of the search. AGB Search has been retained to provide executive search consulting services. At the conclusion of its work, the committee will forward the credentials of three to five unranked candidates to the Board of Regents for consideration.

The initial meeting of the Presidential Search Committee will be on July 10, at which time the members will be formally charged with their roles and responsibilities in conducting the search.