About Auxiliary Services
Auxiliary Services
The Auxiliary Services Department at Albany State University (ASU) encompasses several key operations, including the
Bookstore, Dining Services (including Meal Plans), Card Services, Events/Campus Scheduling,
Parking Services, Print/Copy Services, Student Transportation Service, and Vending
These units are either owned, operated, or managed by Albany State University and
the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, or services are contracted
with an outside vendor. Each unit operates independently of the others. The Director of Auxiliary Services is responsible for ensuring that all units operate efficiently, adhere to contractual
guidelines, and comply with the rules and regulations established by the State of
Georgia, the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, and the University.
The Albany State University Bookstore is operated and managed by Follett Higher Education Group (FHEG). It is located on the East Campus in the C.W. Grant Student Union, Second Floor, at 504 College Drive, Albany, Georgia 31705.
Dining/Food Service
Dining and food services at Albany State University are managed through an agreement
with Aladdin, a division of Elior North America. The dining contractor is responsible for all
on-campus dining operations, including catering for on-campus events and third-party
organizations renting University facilities. Catering requests for food, beverages,
refreshments, and other services must be arranged through the campus dining contractor
at the time of the event.
Students living in residence halls owned, operated, or managed by the University are
required to purchase a meal plan. However, students may choose the meal plan that
best suits their needs. Exceptions may apply depending on the residence hall and will
be outlined in the board plan option description.
Questions or issues related to meal plans for resident students, commuter students,
faculty, and staff should be directed to the Meal Plans Coordinator at mealplans@asurams.edu or by phone at 229-500-2886.
Events/Campus Scheduling
Albany State University is now accepting requests for the use of campus facilities
from community or third-party organizations. Please note that submitting a request
does not guarantee approval, as priority will be given to the academic, social, and
athletic needs of ASU students, faculty, and staff.
All events, programs, camps, or activities sponsored by ASU or hosted as third-party
events on campus must comply with the ASU and Board of Regents of the University System
Protection for Interaction with Non-Student Minors policy. Organizers are required
to cover all associated costs, adhere to the rules and regulations outlined in the
rental agreement, and follow all procedures in the Events and Facility Use Manual,
as well as the ASU Events/Summer Camp Manuals specific to the event type. The University
has designated specific public service forum areas on both the East and West Campuses,
and the procedures for using these areas are detailed in the Campus Events and Facility
Use Procedures Manual.
For any questions or issues related to events, please contact the Events Coordinator
at events@asurams.edu or by phone at 229-500-2885.
Parking Services at Albany State University
All vehicles operated on the ASU campuses, including those driven by faculty, staff,
students, visitors, and volunteers, must be registered with the University. The registration
permit fees are as follows:
- Students: $30.00
- Faculty and Staff: $50.00
- Reserved Faculty and Staff: $50.00
- Annual Visitors: $24.00
- Weekend (3-day): $10.00
The Parking Quick Guide and Parking Procedures provide detailed information on how
to register a vehicle, make permit payments, and understand the assigned parking areas.
For any questions or issues related to parking, please contact the Parking Services
Coordinator via email at parkingservices@asurams.edu or by phone at 229-500-2886.
Student Transportation (Ram Rush)
Albany State University operates the Ram Rush transportation service, a private inter-campus shuttle for students, faculty, and
staff. The service provides transportation between the East and West Campuses. Ram
Rush buses will only make stops at designated bus stops on ASU property, which are
marked by ASU-branded bus shelters and stop signs.
The University is excited to offer the Ram Rush transportation service for travel
between the West and East Campuses. All eligible students can use the Ram Rush buses.
To be eligible, students must have paid all tuition and fees, including the Transportation
Fee. Faculty and staff can also utilize the Ram Rush service after paying the Transportation
Use of Auxiliary Unit Revenues
Funds generated from auxiliary unit revenues must be used exclusively to support the
operation of each respective unit. This includes, but is not limited to, expenses
for replacing equipment, computers, point-of-sale systems, dining equipment, general
operations, and personal services. Under no circumstances can student, state, or federal
funds be used to purchase products or equipment that are part of an auxiliary operation.
All costs incurred in operating auxiliary units must be covered by the revenue generated
from the sale of products and services.
Albany State University is dedicated to providing excellent service in a friendly
and professional environment. The department remains focused on student needs and
prioritizes customer service in all interactions.