Frequently Asked Questions
Ram Rush Bus Transportation
The buses are transportation vehicles owned and managed by Albany State University.
As with other public conveyances, the bus driver is responsible for ensuring safety
of all passengers on the bus. Should a student conduct himself or herself in an unacceptable
manner he or she may be asked to disembark from the bus at any point. The rules for
behavior on Ram Rush are governed by the ASU Student Code of Conduct and will be disciplined
accordingly should he or she be asked to disembark from the bus for any reason.
If there are issues with your card validating or with standard bus services, please
contact the ASU Auxiliary Services, Transportation Office at 229-500-2886 during standard
university operational hours, which are Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. – 5:00
P.M. To file a complaint, please complete the Ram Rush Complaint Form.
If a personal item is left on the bus, please contact ASU Police Department at 229-430-4711
to inquire about lost and found items.
Ram Rush is the bus transportation service that transport students, faculty and staff
between the east and west campuses.
ASU operates and manages the bus transportation program between the East and West
campuses. The buses will operate on a set schedule.
Students, faculty or staff members who pay the annual transportation fee are validated
to ride the Ram Rush buses.
In order to ride the bus at no charge, the student, faculty, or staff member must
have a valid RAM ID card that, when swiped at the bus fare box, validates the qualified
rider. Students, faculty or staff may not ride RAM Rush without presenting a valid
ASU RAM ID upon embarking the bus. NO RAM ID, NO ENTRY!
The route will include two buses. One bus will start and end the day on the East Campus
and one bus will start and end the day on the West Campus.
A bus will begin each morning on the East Campus and another on the West Campus. Each
bus will run the route between the campuses approximately every 30 minutes beginning
at 7:00 A.M. through 9:00 P.M. Monday - Friday. The bus schedule is posted on the
Auxiliary Services-Ram Rush webpage and at each bus shelter location.
Ram Rush only runs when classes are in session.
Link below is the Student Academic Calendar.
There are three bus stops on each campus.
On the East Campus the stops are located at:
- Radium Springs Road (Corner of C.W. Grant Student Union)
- Joseph Holley Circle (Residence Halls 5 and 6)
- Joseph Holley Circle (HPER Gymnasium)
On the West Campus stops are located at:
- Herbert Haley Road (Corner Campus Road near Village South Residence Hall)
- Cavalier Drive (Physical Education Building)
- Student Center (C Building)
- East Access Drive (East Building J)
Each bus is ADA accessible and includes additional accessibility for the hearing and
visually impaired.
No, the bus is operating on a strict time schedule to ensure that students arrive
on the respective campuses in a timely manner. Please be courteous and respect the
time of others by being at the bus stops on time.
No, the capacity of each bus seated and standing is 32. When the bus reaches capacity,
by law, they are not permitted to allow additional riders to embark the bus. You must
wait for the next available bus to arrive. Peak periods for reaching bus capacity
are 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Plan to arrive early and anticipate