Commencement Spotlight: JaNiya Charlton

Commencement Spotlight: JaNiya Charlton, Bachelor of Arts in Visual and Performing Arts  

 Future Plans: Specials Team, Live Oak Elementary School 


JaNiya Charlton, a 21-year-old from Fort Valley, Georgia, will graduate on May 4th from Albany State University (ASU) with a Charlton Bachelor of Arts with a major in Visual and Performing Arts. JaNiya's involvement in the Albany State University Marching Rams Show Band, where she served as a member, section leader, and Band President, highlights her leadership and commitment to excellence. Additionally, JaNiya's role as a Student Liaison on the ASU search committee for the Director of Bands underscores her proactive approach to enhancing the university's music program. 

 JaNiya's accomplishments include her leadership as Marching Band President, where she implemented policies to safeguard student and faculty interests, and her consistent academic excellence, maintaining a GPA of 3.6 or higher since high school. As she completes her music education degree, JaNiya plans to pursue a master's degree in educational leadership while fulfilling teaching requirements. Post-graduation, JaNiya's plans include celebrating her marriage to her college sweetheart the day after graduation and continuing her involvement with Live Oak Elementary School's specials team. She aims to become certified to teach elementary-level English and pursue opportunities to teach music in the school system.

Beyond her academic and professional pursuits, JaNiya is passionate about her faith and strives to live out the principles taught by Jesus Christ. Her dedication to music education, community service, and spiritual values exemplify the well-rounded character we celebrate at Albany State University.  


Why did you choose ASU? 
I chose ASU because of the wonderful students I encountered during my visits. The faculty of my college are also amazing and highly skilled. 


What motivated you to learn more about your field? 
I was motivated to learn more about becoming a music educator when I realized how universal and beneficial music is for student development. 


What do you love most about your chosen profession? 
It brings me so much joy to pour knowledge, guidance, and meaningful experiences into the next generation of society. 


Who has made the biggest impact on you, and who do you consider to be a role model at ASU?  
I honestly look up to my professors because they all taught me so much along the way. However, I would say Dr. Baxter, Department Chair of Arts and Sciences would be my role model at ASU. My goal is to become a collegiate music professor and eventually get into a leadership position at the college level, so to see her do those things really inspired me. 


What advice would you give to other ASU students?  
I would tell all ASU students to keep pushing through all their classes no matter how challenging they may be. Securing higher probabilities of acquiring a stable job is more important than any temporary discomforts we may experience on the journey to reaching our goals. 


What would you say to a high school student about choosing ASU to further their education? 
I would advise a high school student to stay focused as they further their education. ASU is a great place to grow, but you must stay focused and reach the finish line.