2020 Annual Social Work Conference

social work conference

Albany State to Host Annual Social Work Conference

The Department of Social Work’s Annual Social Work Conference will be held on the ASU West Campus from April 2-4. The theme is “Think Like a Social Worker: Implications for the New Decade.” The year 2020 brings about new challenges and approaches to the profession of social work. “This conference gives the opportunity to learn about new challenges and how to embrace them.” said Dr. Annalease Gibson, ASU associate professor of social work.

The conference is open to faculty, staff, students, alumni and professionals in the field of social work, sociology and psychology. Participants have an opportunity to receive Continuing Education Units (CEU’s).

April 2 | Pre-Conference
Trauma 101: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Children (Dougherty/Albany, GA)

The pre-conference will be brought to you in collaboration with the Georgia State University Andrew Young School of Social Work’s Child Welfare Training Collaborative in partnership with the Georgia Division of Family and Children’s Services. The three hour course will provide participants with foundational knowledge about child trauma and child traumatic stress. Three types of child trauma are defined. The workshop focuses on the impact of complex trauma on behavior and development, and helps participants identify strategies for working with children who have experienced trauma. The pre-conference is free but participants must register as seating is limited. Participants may earn three core CEU’s.

Register for Time 1 | 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | Building C, Room 252 | West Campus
Register for Time 2 | 1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. | Building C, Room 252 | West Campus

April 3 | Main Conference
The cost to attend the main conference is $50. It is free for students with ID. To see the full schedule, click here.
To register, click here.

April 4 | Post-Conference Training
Ethics Training (5 CEU’s): $100
Licensure Prep Training: $50

To register for the post-conference training, click here.

There are partial scholarships available to ASU alumni. Click here for more information.