GEMA donates additional PPE supplies to USG

The University System of Georgia (USG) announced today, this week the USG is receiving additional personal protective equipment (PPE) and other supplies from the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) and will provide it to its 26 institutions ahead of next month’s return to on-campus instruction.

Included among the supplies being delivered by GEMA to USG:

  • Disposable 3-ply face masks: 947,500
  • N-95 respirator masks: 40,000
  • Gloves: 250,000
  • Gowns: 35,000
  • Face shields: 20,000
  • No-Touch thermometers: 500
  • Tyvek Suits: 500
  • Hand sanitizer: 5,832 gallons
  • Disinfectant solution: 4,608 gallons
  • Disinfecting wipes: 2,531 cases

An additional 10,000 gallons of hand sanitizer and 15,000 clear masks have also been ordered.

“GEMA continues to be a valuable partner, and we are grateful for its help as we stress the essential importance of health and safety for all our students, faculty and staff,” Chancellor Steve Wrigley said.

These supplies continue to help ensure all of Georgia’s 26 public universities and colleges are well stocked for the coming academic year. Last week, USG announced the system had already sent a total of 835,400 masks and 1,161 cases of disinfecting wipes to campuses across the state. Including the supplies being delivered this week, the total number of masks being provided to USG campuses currently totals more than 1.8 million.

Albany State University will receive: 

  • Disposable masks: 36,000
  • Cloth face coverings: 1,000
  • Gloves: Small, 700 | Medium, 10,000 | Large, 10,000 | X-Large, 2,000
  • Hand sanitizer: 120 gallons (initial)
  • Disinfectant solution: 600 gallons
  • Thermometers (touchless): 30
  • Disinfectant wipes: 68
  • Tyvek Suits: 100
  • Gowns: 750
  • Clear face masks: 260
  • Face shields: 700
  • N-95 respirators: 750

The system continues to follow public health guidance from the Georgia Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As that guidance evolves, the system’s guidance will as well.