Student Spotlight: Aliyah Johnson

Aliyah Johnson, hailing from Florida, is a junior psychology major and president-elect of the Albany State University (ASU) Student Government Association (SGA). She is a member of the Anointed ASU Gospel Choir, Collegiate Women of Empowerment, Paraprofessionals Promoting Progression, and the National Society of Leadership and Success. She is also passionate about community involvement, as a college ministry member at Victorious Life Church and Greater 2nd Mt Olive, and serving as a board member of the We R.E.A.D.Y outreach ministry. 

Why did you choose Albany State University? AJ Headshot
God led me to Albany State. Every HBCU has its own story, but ASU represents something vital to me. This institution has a foundation solely built on historic enrichment, and I wanted to be a part of such excellence. Albany State University also offers a border state waiver, which is a huge benefit for me and other students who aren’t from the state of Georgia. Along with prayer and research, the student leaders on campus made the decision easier by showcasing their pride in this illustrious university. 

What motivated you to major in psychology?
I always had a fascination in gaining a deeper understanding of human factors, however after doing research, I started to see how broad the field really is. I have aspirations of becoming an industrial and organizational psychologist because I'm able to body all my passions in one particular role.

Tell us a little about your platform:
P.E.R.I.O.D stands for Personal Enrichment Replicated through Illustrious and Orderly Demonstration. This platform is about enhancing the student experience at Albany State by providing structural demonstration that will encourage students’ personal success.

What are your plans as the SGA President? 
I plan on being a servant leader while articulating a new narrative around campus. The relationship the student body has with SGA has changed due to certain stigmas but I plan on creating a transparent and approachable atmosphere.

What excites you most about the future of ASU?
As a current student leader, I have had the ability of witnessing just how much potential ASU has. The future of ASU excites me because of the positive direction that I see the university growing in daily. I believe that the growth of ASU will lead to a future with strong community partnerships, as the surrounding community and student body formulate a better bond to care for our students. I’m excited about the influx of student engagement where there will be a more active student body especially in the realm of passionate student leadership. I believe that in the future, ASU will get the credit they so rightfully deserve as they have helped in the advancement of the city and ASU’s students. 

What advice would you give to other students interested in campus leadership?
Get engaged! God places the best things in life on the other side of fear. Don’t allow any opposition you face on campus to detour you from making a positive impact. Be observant and mindful of what you do, someone is always watching. I would also tell them that campus leadership doesn’t just start nor end with SGA and Royal Court. Identify what you’re passionate about and put 100% in that area because you can make an impact on someone anywhere. 

Who has made the biggest impact on you at ASU or consider to be a role model?
There hasn’t just been one person that has impacted my advancement here at Albany State. Past SGA Presidents like Andre Armour and Gernisha Parnell have poured into me and molded me into the critical leader I am today. Dean Dedra Williams is my role model I see daily on campus. Her drive and ability to adapt in any circumstance has inspired me to push beyond any limitations. These individuals have personally believed in me when I didn’t always believe in myself. I am blessed to have met influential individuals at Albany State.