Commencement Spotlight: Hasana Pullens, Bachelor of Science Degree in Health and Human Performance

Commencement Spotlight: Hasana Pullens, Bachelor of Science Degree in Health and Human Performance  
Future Plans: Master of Science in Athletic Training, Albany State University  

Hasana Pullens, a Las Vegas, Nevada native, will graduate on May 6 with a Bachelor of Science in Health and Human Performance. She is a member of Golden Peaches, Active Minds, Collegiate Women of Empowerment, the Health and Human Performance Club, the Velma Fudge Grant Honors Program, and Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Sorority, Inc. She has also served as the Pre-Alumni Council president and an intern in the ASU athletic trainers’ office.  Hasana Pullens

Dedicated to community service, she has over 400 volunteer service hours with organizations such as Keep Albany-Dougherty Beautiful, Volunteer for America, and as a Sickle Cell Awareness educator for the American Red Cross.  

Committed to academic excellence, she has made the dean’s list for having above a 3.5 grade point average and has done extensive research on common injuries in the knee for athletes. She also attended the Academy of Hospitality and Tourism.  

After graduation, she plans to attend the athletic training graduate program at Albany State University.  


What motivated you to learn more about your field?  
I love community service, motivational speaking, networking, spreading awareness, sports, and building lifelong relationships on and off campus. I value making an impact and making a difference in everyone and everything, one step at a time. With my core values and principles, I believe my personal and professional goals align perfectly with the athletic training profession. Having a strong passion for others, being a responder to all needs, and daring to do the seemingly impossible are just a few of my coare values and principles. I’ve always considered others’ needs before my own, which are just a few reasons I learned more about my field.  


Why did you choose ASU? 
I stand for providing students and communities with all the necessary tools that are needed to be successful. I come from a single-parent household, and my struggles growing up have motivated me to want better for myself. Growing up, I didn’t have much access to resources, so educating myself and giving back to generations and communities coming after me is a dream come true. I have always wanted to help people become the best version of themselves. I have a strong desire to help others. I have chosen Albany State University because I knew my university would give me a clear pathway to become something extraordinary in life. Albany State University has given me a chance to make a difference. I knew that receiving knowledge from Albany State University would have allowed me to determine my future, and provide me with the resources I need to improve my life decision. 
What do you love most about your chosen profession?  
Being able to see athletes do what they do best, the start and finish of a recovery period of an injury, making someone’s day, and being involved in someone’s overall improvement.  

Who has made the biggest impact on you and who do you consider to be a role model at ASU?  
I wouldn’t be able to pick just one, but to list of few of my role models and biggest influencers: Mr. Dan Land, Ms. Valeria Lee, Ms. Anna Gibbs, Mr. Michael Moore, Ms. Kimberly Whiters, Dr. Florence Lyons, Ms. Janet Puckett, Ms. Joslyn DiPasalegne, Ms. Leslie Charles, Mr. Trayondus Baynard, Ms. Lashanda Parker, Ms. Nicola Bradley, Dr. Terry Lindsay, Mr. Christopher Moody, and Ms. Venessa McKinney. 

What are you passionate about outside of your education?  
Community service, motivational speaking, networking, spreading awareness, sports, building lifelong relationships, making an impact and/or difference, family, friends, music, arts and crafts, and communication. 

What advice would you give to other ASU students?  
No matter how it may look, it is never how it seems. Keep going, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. It will all be worth it in the end, I promise. 

What would you say to a high school student about choosing ASU to further their education?  
It is ok for you not to know everything right now; enjoy life because it is the only one you have. Don't be afraid of failure, failure is just another word for a pivot point. Going to college might be scary, but put your best foot forward. Try something new, make friends, and be involved on campus. Albany State University gives everyone a chance to be extraordinary. Remember, excellence is the standard.