ASU Commencement Spotlight: Nakia Collier, Bachelors in Social Work
Nakia Collier, Albany native, will graduate on December 11 with a Bachelor’s degree in social work. She is a member of the Student Social Work
Association at Albany State University and a recipient of the Title IV-E internship
at the Worth County Division of Family & Children Services. She will be continuing
her education at ASU in the MSW program beginning in Spring 2022.
What motivated you to learn more about your field?
The field of social work is broad and the more qualifications and skills you have
the more marketable you are to agencies. Another benefit is that the more skills you
have, the more clients you can help.
What are your post-graduation plans?
I have accepted a Social Service Specialist position at the Worth County Division
of Family & Children Services. I will also be starting the MSW program at ASU in January.
What do you love most about your chosen profession?
I love the flexibility that being in the field of social work has.
Who has made the biggest impact on you and who do you consider to be a role model
at ASU?
I think my mother, who is also a social worker, has made the biggest impact on me.
I love the way her past clients speak so highly of her and the care she was able to
provide. Mrs. Wright my field instructor is one of my role models as I admire her
professionalism and grace under pressure.
What are you passionate about outside of your education?
I am passionate about spending time with my son Judah and self-care. I also enjoy
traveling, reading, and movies
What advice would you give to other ASU students?
The race is not given to the swift but to those who endure to the end. Do not get
caught up comparing your timeline to the next person.
What would you say to a High School student about choosing ASU to further their education?
Personally, I loved the hands-on education and the fact that I could contact my professors
when I had questions and concerns. The faculty at ASU wants you to succeed and they
care about you as long as you care about yourself. Hard work is recognized and celebrated.
Welcome to the Ramily!!