ASU will focus on enhancing the student experience

Dear Albany State Community,

You may recall, in November 2017, the ASU transition team formed a student-led task force to conduct an in-depth examination of the student experience. The group’s purpose was to provide recommendations to improve student retention and graduation based on student feedback.

The Student Experience Task Force brought forth recommendations that were insightful and actionable. I am excited to report the Albany State leadership team has begun to identify ways to implement these recommendations, and we will provide regular updates and progress reports to the ASU community.

Our efforts to improve and enhance the student experience at Albany State, from the first year to graduation, will focus on these critical areas:

First-Year Experience

  • Student Programming: Establish a student programming group that would be led by Student Affairs. The group would plan and promote events for students.

  • Housing: A plan for training and development for staff and resident assistants. Also, the development of programming specifically for housing students focused on academic success, persistence and retention.

Student Engagement for Success

  • Work Study Opportunities: Review and increase Federal Work Study opportunities and effectively communicate opportunities to students.

  • Internship Opportunities: Identity internship, volunteer and community service opportunities to prepare students with soft skills and provide real-world work experience before graduation.

Student Support Services (orientation, advising, registration)

  • Comprehensive review of enrollment services: Conduct a comprehensive review of services planned for the One-Stop-Shop, including a detailed plan for staff training and operation.

  • Customer Service: Focus on improved customer service that would include mandatory service training and functional cross-training for staff. Also, develop a clear customer service process for all areas, including academic affairs, enrollment management, business services and academic advising.

  • Self-Service Tools: Expedite implementation of Degree Works and other student self-service tools throughout the enrollment process.

Another recommendation from the task force is to maintain the legacy of ASU’s founder Joseph Holley and the history of the former Darton State College. The university will identify viable ways to continue to honor the university’s history and legacy.

Our students stepped up, made this task force a priority and identified areas where ASU will work to immediately improve the student experience. Our students gave us clear insight and identified challenges and opportunities. We take these findings and recommendations seriously and are grateful for the work of these dedicated and passionate students.

I want to thank the following individuals who led this initiative:

  • Andre Armour, president, Student Government Association

  • Charles L. Durrah, vice president - east campus, Student Government Association

  • Wanesia P. Francis, Ms. ASU

  • Joyce Jones, vice chancellor for student affairs at the University System of Georgia – task force chair

  • Scot Lingrell, vice president for student affairs and enrollment management at the University of West Georgia – task force chair

  • Santo E. Nina, Mr. ASU

Also, thank you to the students who participated in the focus groups and responded to the campus survey. It is imperative that our students are part of the process as we work together to ensure the future success of ASU. We will continue to ask for your feedback and work closely with our student leaders to improve the student experience.

You may view the full report here: Student Engagement Experience Task Force Recommendations.



Marion Fedrick
Interim President of Albany State University